Women In Comedy Festival founders with the celebratory cake at Laugh Boston.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher at Laugh Boston for a live taping of "Put Your Hands Together Podcast LIVE!"
Todd Barry's "Crowd Work" in the Boston Globe

In the story, Barry mentions an audience member in Minneapolis whom I say was a lawyer working for a "sex toy factory." He was a bit more specific, but the Globe is a family paper, and I couldn't mention it. Here is Barry, explaining how some audience members can still throw him a curveball now and then.
"Some people surprise you. A guy in Minneapolis had like a corporate lawyer job, and it just seemed like it wasn’t going to be anything to talk about, and then he said, somehow, ‘But I am representing a dildo company now.’ You know, I have questions then."
WICF Spotlight: Robin Maxfield

have a bigger presence at the WICF this year. What are your thoughts on the
festival, how it’s put together, and various acts on the schedule?
wonderful to be able to collaborate with the producers at WICF. The festival is
so jam packed with great events that it’s hard to choose which to go to and
when you’re producing there’s even less time.
come from a storytelling background – what’s the difference between stand-up
and storytelling, in your experience?
two worlds are not only merging more but they are developing respect for each
other. Stand-up has structure that is measured by getting people to laugh
as often as possible with the least words, storytelling allows a comic a longer
set up and often a bigger payoff with a huge laugh. Really good stand-ups
will have a story arc to their set, a theme that builds.
been doing the “Haha Mama” Mother’s Day Show for a few years. For the
uninitiated, what can people expect from that night?
can expect to be comfortably seated in the newest and most beautiful comedy
club in Boston laughing at a hilarious line up of women comics talking about
motherhood- a universal topic wrought with chaos, confusion and emotional
roller coasters. Birth belongs exclusively to women, no one can deny us that. In
fact, no one would be here without a woman somewhere being willing to carry them
to term and then letting them live, whether they know her or not.
talked about “mom comedy” before. Focusing your material on one particular type
of material can help your establish a comic identity that might provide
opportunities, on one hand, to relate to an audience, but on the other, also
limit other opportunities. Is that a battle you’ve faced?
first time we did the haha mama show there was a mom who brought her 19 year
old son along. I raced up to him and asked him if he found the comedy
relatable and he said “It was awesome, I was cracking up!” I said “Really?
even the menstrual cycle and blow job jokes?” He said “absolutely!” From then
on I continued to ask the men of all ages including a group of gay men what
they thought and it turns out EVERYONE loves Mom humor because almost everyone
has a mom. My own theory too is that people like to see confident women
expressing themselves freely, they not only laugh but they learn. It’s
like having a window into a Girls’ Night Out, they don’t hold back because
women find their strength in numbers. Male comics compete, females tend to
collaborate, support and strengthen each other, at least that’s what I’ve
got a great line-up for the show, as well. Anyone you’re particularly excited
to see?
super excited about our headliner, Bonnie McFarlane. I saw Jane Condon at
last year’s festival and I was falling over laughing so hard so I can’t wait to
see her again. Everyone in the show is super strong and we had so many
talented women that we have a different line up for each show so you can go to
next after the festival?
thrilled to be continuing with the monthly Boston Comedy Chicks http://bostoncomedychicks.com at
Doyles and we have excited plans to livestream the show on the Internet as well
as continue running our workshops for female comics to work on their material.
PHOTO: At the WICF - Wendy Liebman
Wendy Liebman, who got her start in the Boston comedy scene, plays the Comedy Studio for the first time as part of the Women In Comedy Festival.
PHOTO - The Human Knot Juggles
Oh, a man pushing his body through two tennis rackets and a toilet seat isn't enough? What if he also juggled razor-sharp knives?
PHOTO - The Human Knot at the Jerkus Circus
A man who pushes his body through two tennis rackets and a toilet seat? Why yes, the Jerkus Circus has that. The Human Knot.
PHOTO - Bettysioux Tailor Sings at the Jerkus Circus
Friday, May 9, 2014
PHOTO - Saxophone Mating Dance at the Jerkus Circus
PHOTO - Pete the Human Floor In Action at the Jerkus Circus
PHOTO - Steamies Folk It Up at the Jerkus Circus
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Photo: Eddie Izzard Answers Questions at the Wang
Eddie Izzard Gives Slutcracker a Shout Out at At Q&A

From Sugar Dish's Facebook Fanpage:
@EddieIzzard called on me during Q&A, read @Slutcracker off my shirt, audience cheered, I did a jig. #truestory
For more on Izzard's tour, which is in town for the next two nights, read my piece in the Boston Globe here.
Oh, and for the record, it's "Lady Danger" by MAC.
WICF Spotlight: Jackie Kashian

You've played the Women In Comedy Festival before. What
are your thoughts on the festival? What
made you come back?
I like the people involved. That's usually key. Not even
usually. Heh. I love Boston and I never get to come here so this is a great
treat. I worked in Provincetown for three summers (or two, I was very drunk) so
I love Massachusetts.
When did you first self-identify as a dork?
After I wrote the bit about "how deep in the dork
forest do you have to go?" It was on my half-hour special on Comedy
Central. Previously, others had labeled me. I just started celebrating it.
Is there a difference in your mind between
"dorks," "nerds," and "geeks?"
People think so. I think it's all mixed up. Enthusiasm, a
lot of (what some might consider) extraneous information about what were
considered non mainstream interests. Turns out, though, that even jocks and
cheerleaders enjoy comic books and video games. So even the line is blurry. The
Dork Forest Podcast adds to that. I let almost anything be a dorkdom. Baseball,
the Beatles and knitting aren't traditional geek topics ... But people dork out
hard on those and a hundred other things. It's so great.
Do you know any of the other comics on the "Geeks
Stand Up Showcase?"
I've met some of 'em. Maggie Faris is from Minneapolis and
I'm a Minneapolis ...so I know her pretty well! I'm looking forward, of course,
to seeing everyone's sets!
Did growing up in Milwaukee affect your sense of humor
at all?
Oh yes. Wisconsin is this weird mixture of progressive
politics and an impatience with a (real or imagined) lack of frugality and
common sense. And every time there's contradiction, in life, there's an
opportunity for comedy. I love Wisconsin but the disconnect is glaring sometimes
and it makes me laugh.
Do you find there are regional sensibilities you have
to take into account when you travel?
Well. Probably. But, the way I think of it, is that
everyone gets cable. All audiences can get all jokes. There is, sometimes, a
purposeful balk at getting some things. Like, initially, you may not get the
reference because it's not regional, but then you get mad that they didn't
adapt it. I felt that, some, in Australia. They get enough US television to get
every reference but they can get annoyed that you didn't even try to pronounce
aluminum "correctly." People everywhere love a local reference
In your latest special, you addressed some stand-up
stereotypes, especially some punchlines you often hear from male comics - sex
and money in relation to marriage, spouses not listening to each other, and
driving issues, etc. How often do you see what you'd consider stereotypical
material from comedians? Does it split along gender lines?
It spills over into everywhere land. That bit isn't (the
common trope) that "men aren't funny." I know a lot of funny men and,
really, the media should stop encouraging all the conversations. Headlines that
are all "Wonder Woman movie makes us ask, are movies about male superheroes
just not viable?" are gratuitous. I'm sorry, what was the question?
Oh. I think all comics write about the same things. The
trick is to make it unique. And, in my experience,the only way to do that is to
make it personal. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and he said, "the
new comics today are so great. They are STARTING from the inside out."
There are plenty of people doing very funny observational stuff, silly, smart
twisty observational. So great as well.
A lot of new comics are still trying to get out of the
first couple years trap. In the first couple years of doing standup, you’re
often just looking for any response. So hacky stuff is inevitable. I, myself,
in the first year of stand-up used to do a little gem about how I thought Batman
and Robin might be gay! I know! Hilarious. I believe the punchline revolved
around the bat pole.
There are, also, comics I don't like. Doesn't mean
someone doesn't love their work. And I've been accused of not “getting” it. That
is very possible. Some comedy just wasn't written for me. And I find hate
comedy hacky. If someone's been doing stand-up for more than, let's say, four
years and all they can do is rage on their husband, wife, ex, men in general,
women in general, race or religion...I'm annoyed. Mostly I'm bored, but, when I
am forced into seeing it, I'm annoyed.
Comedy, whether or not anyone doing it realizes, tends to
teach people about things. It can shed a light on rape or incest or hot
pockets, or it justify your worst thoughts about life and humanity. It can keep
you scared or it can free you up. I love the comedy that says "yes, I,
too, have weird thoughts that I act on (eating at McDonalds) and don't act on
(my daughter’s friends are really good looking)." And really personal
stuff, “I have gone to prostitutes, I have mental illness, I masturbate all the
time,” those things can really brighten a life in the audience.
I'm being too philosophical, perhaps. I know comedy isn't
like being a doctor or priest or social worker or city councilman...but I tend
to think that every job can be done to better the human experience. Even if
it's shouty, wiggly comedy to make you giggle.
What's next for you once the festival is over?
I am on tour a lot (Scottsdale, Tacoma, Dallas A-Kon,
Wyoming). I might play a guy's mom in a pilot pitch thing. I'm recording a lot
of Dork Forest podcasts. I might lie down for a nap in late June.
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